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- Date. Date of flight, UTC
- Day hours. Day PIC, SIC or PICUS has been clocked in this flight.
- Night hours. Night PIC, SIC or PICUS has been clocked in this flight.
- Flight Duty. This entry is a flight duty (as opposed to a simulator duty)
- Simulator Duty. This entry is a simulator duty (as opposed to a flight duty).
- Departure Airport.
- Arrival Airport.
- Flight number.
- Total time. If this entry is a flight duty, this reflects the total time. If this entry is a sim duty, this reflects the simulator time.
- Pilot in Command.
- Co-pilot.
- Locked. Locked flights are faded as well.
- Duty Indicator, multi-sector. Duty indicator, indicating the start and end of a multi-sector, connected duty.
- Duty Indicator, single-sector. Duty indicator, indicating the start and end of a duty, within one log.